SPUSM opens F2F classes for BSCS Students
APR 19

ALL HANDS-ON DECK 19 APRIL (TUESDAY) as St Paul University at San Miguel, officially opened its doors to Bachelor of Science major in Computer Science students for their Limited Face-to-Face classes.
Spearheaded by the SPUSM-Crisis Management Committee (CMC) Head, Sister Aileen Bonifacio SPC, St. Paul University at San Miguel is up to the RE-OPENING of the university guided by the SELF-ASSESSMENT CHECKLIST ON THE READINESS OF HEI TO REOPEN CAMPUSES FOR LIMITED FACE-TO-FACE CLASSES issued by the Commission on Higher Education and Department of Health (CHED-DOH).
As of the moment, Thirty(30) learners from BSCS first years and one facilitator are using the computer laboratory onsite. SPUSM has upgraded two computer laboratory rooms. Each 40-capacity room is equipped with 15 of the latest desktop computer components and software technology.
CMC-Safety and Security Team and Finance, Sister Zyra Taño, SPC and Sister Fe Villanueva, SPC support the re-opening from the main entrance of the university, enforcing safety and security, NO VACCINE-NO ENTRY policy, proper handwashing, temperature check, registering via SPUSM for contact tracing purposes and social distancing. Foot pathways are visible and several colorful infographics about safety are posted on the bulletin boards along the way.
Clad in their pristine SPUSM white polo shirts, students expressed their support in complying with the new set of the new normal standards and are excited to be the first to experience classes onsite.